
All Men Are Pigs, and Other Popular Myths

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append delete #1. xj9

Oh yeah!

append delete #2. xj9

I mean, no!

append delete #3. xj9

I think men and women are equal!

append delete #4. Bumblebee

How they are equal?

Do women do obligatory army tours?

Do women work in garbage collection?

Do women work in construction?

Do women work in mining?

Do women pay alimony after divorce?

Do women do all the dangerous jobs?


append delete #5. xj9

That has nothing to do with their fundamental equal-ness: before the abolition of slavery and the civil rights movement blacks were not treated equally yet they were, and are, fundamentally equal to everyone else. The same applies to any group that is/was oppressed or favoured, we're all equal even if the laws that govern us don't enforce our equality.

append delete #6. Bumblebee

We are not talking about slavery here.

We are talking about equality.

There is no equality in nature. There is only Aristocracy and Balance of Power.

Do women want equal civil rights?

The must go to war, and they must do all the thing men do.

But they don't because they thing that they are entitled to everything just because they have a vagina, an ass and boobs!

append delete #7. xj9


No, we're talking about equality. What is it that makes slavery morally wrong? Its disregard for our inherent equality, thats why I brought it up.

they thin[k] that they are entitled to everything just because they have a vagina, an ass and boobs!

What does that have to do with equality? White men used to think they were entitled to own slaves and that blacks were incapable of governing themselves, even though all of that is false. What we feel we are entitled to has nothing to do with what our rights actually are.

append delete #8. Destroy Feminism

You raised a point about equality and then you are talking about slavery. It's obvious that you are a trained communist agent of Zionist Feminism and you want to subconsciously impose harder slavery to men for taking care of your greedy vagina and your lazy ass.

append delete #9. xj9

@Destroy Feminism

I'm a dude bro, I just think we're all equal.

#10. Bumblebee

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append delete #11. Bumblebee


I repeat: We are not talking about slavery. Period.

Equality means equal rights and equal obligations.

You must take back what you give.

Your arguments are strictly communist.

The obligations of women in our society are far less than the obligations of men.

Where is the equality when in 99,99% of divorces the wife takes the children's and all the family assets and destroys economically the man with lifetime alimony?

You say that you're a man but you sound like a feminist.

If you are one of those pussy-wiped males or a conscious victim of Wicca, then it's understandable...

append delete #12. xj9


I was simply using slavery as an example, I know that's not what we're talking about: we're talking about equality. However, I'm not talking about things as they currently stand, I'm talking about how things ought to be:

You say man and women are not equal and in our current society they aren't, like you said we have unequal obligations but that doesn't mean that we aren't fundamentally equal. (which isn't a communist ideal, its a democratic one) I'm in no way saying that men or women are better than the other to quote the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

And remember, Thomas Jefferson is talking about Humanity, not just its males. This is what I believe, we are all equal. We may no be treated that way yet but at that time almost nobody was equal under the law yet either, I have hope for the future that we can figure out a way to live in true equality.

#13. Bumblebee

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append delete #14. Bumblebee


You are not simply using slavery as an example.

You are trying to use it as subconscious leverage to strengthen your weak opinion.

Since we haven't got equal obligations we can't have equal rights. That is the mathematical principle of equality. You must take what you give.

Equality without criteria is communism.

Please answer me that: How a stupid person is equal to a genius?

append delete #15. xj9

No, @Bumblebee, that wasn't my intention. I wanted to highlight that the sentiment expressed in the Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
- Thomas Jefferson

Was not fully realized when it was written but that fact doesn't make the sentiment false. The wasn't much equality in 1776, 1787, 1950 when the civil rights movement started, or even now where we're still struggling with gender equality.

Please answer me that: How a stupid person is equal to a genius?

The value of a person is not defined by their intelligence, its a lot more complicated than that.

append delete #16. Bumblebee


The value of a person is strictly defined by his/her intelligence and from his/her actions.

The Declaration of Independence and Civil Rights are completely irrelevant to what I said.

For example, Independence an Civil Rights are restricted for convicted criminals.

I repeat:

Since we haven't got equal obligations we can't have equal rights. That is the mathematical principle of equality. You must take what you give.

Equality without criteria is communism.


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