
What religion is...

append delete Logical

Religion is the absence of logic. Period.

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append delete #1. Mulder

Wow! The truth in so few words! Everyone who believes that Myriam was "virgin" pregnant has the intelligence of a potato chip!

append delete #2. Potato Chip Lover

Do not offend potato chips!!!

They are much more useful than religions!!!

append delete #3. xj9

Well, yes. The basis of religion is faith, which is believing in things we can't see but that we feel to be true. Its an entirely subjective experience. And, in reality, has nothing to do with how intelligent you are. It is undisputed, for example, that Albert Einstein was a genius, yet he was religious.

append delete #4. Bumblebee


I think that the basis of religion is stupidity and paranoia. Of course it has to do with how intelligent you are. If you are stupid enough not to see and understand the universe around you, that does not mean that the Universe around you in not understandable by others.

As for Albert Einstein it is well known that he was not a genius, he was just promoted by the Jewish lobby and stealed the work of the great Hellenian (Greek) Mathematician Costas Kratheodori.

append delete #5. xj9


Faith and Science aren't mutually exclusive, I can believe that there is a God and Jesus looking out for me and investigate the universe using the tools available to me. Science cannot prove or disprove the existence of God, it is beyond the scope of its investigation. Faith is a choice, choosing to believe doesn't suddenly make you incapable of rational thought, I'm sure you have irrational thoughts all of the time and I'm sure you don't consider yourself stupid for it, hell you probably believe all kind of things just as unobservable and unprovable as the tenants of any religion.

Why? Because unless somebody built a sentient computer that I didn't hear about you're human and therefore fundamentally irrational; sure you can use reason all you want but your basic drives and the reasoning behind most of your choices are just as irrational as the faith of those "stupid religious" people you seem to enjoy mocking.

Yes, faith is irrational, it doesn't make sense logically but neither do most of our choices. There is no logical reason to choose a ham sandwich over a peanut butter sandwich, (assuming no allergy or intolerance) both provide similar nutrients (protein, sodium, &c.) and require similar amounts of effort to prepare and consume, the deciding factor is preference, what you "feel like" you want to eat or what you "like"; neither of these is a logical basis for a decision. We make hundreds of these kinds of choices every day and base many of our perceptions on equally irrational "feelings".

append delete #6. Bumblebee


Science and Religion are sworn enemies.

You can't be logical and non-logical at the same time.

You can't be rational and irrational at the same time.

This is called schizophrenia.

Being human means that I am fundamentally rational and not an irrational beast as all sodomized religions wants us.

Religious Faith is not a choice. Religious Faith has been imposed upon the human race with mass murders, genocides, destruction of complete civilizations and mutilation of the Ancient Hellenic (Greek) spirit.

Remember the Dark Ages???...

I will certainly mock these paranoid mind slaves that worship murderers in the name of YHWH, Elohim, Allah or any self called "God".

If your daughter comes to you end tells you that an angel came to her and told her that even though she is a virgin she will give birth to the Son of God for the second coming, you will ask her if she has been to an orgy last night or you will take her to the psychiatrist for examination, yet you believe that Rabbi Yechoshuah (Jesus) is the son of God born of a virgin!!!!!!!!!

Let me laugh out loud!!!

The living and intelligent universe is the higher power and we are living cells of it.

It has our form and we have its form.

It sees as we see and we see as it sees:

append delete #7. xj9

Science and Religion are sworn enemies.

How? They cover two completely different spheres of human experience: science is objective and religion is subjective.

You can't be logical and non-logical at the same time.
You can't be rational and irrational at the same time.
Being human means that I am fundamentally rational and not an irrational beast as all sodomized religions wants us.

False. You and I, all of us: humanity, we're not entirely rational or entirely irrational. We are both. Now bear with me, remember what I said about the sandwiches? You can't be completely rational in making that choice because there is no rational argument for either. When you decide you make a subjective judgement based on preference and therefore act irrationally.

This is called schizophrenia.

Try reading up on what schizophrenia actually is before you go around using that word, mkay?

append delete #8. Bumblebee


How? They cover two completely different spheres of human experience: science is objective and religion is subjective.

See how easy is to be caught in your own paranoid schizophrenia?

Since religion is indeed subjective then why does it preaches that it knows the absolute and therefore objective truth straight from God?

Maybe after a good sandwich you can break the mental bonds of your false religion...

append delete #9. xj9


Since religion is indeed subjective then why does it preaches that it knows the absolute and therefore objective truth straight from God?

How many religions believe the same thing? Within their own subjective context they have the "truth", they "know" based on their subjective religious experience.

See how easy is to be caught in your own paranoid schizophrenia?

Name calling is not a valid argument. If you can explain this thought without resorting to name calling rather relying on actual argumentation I will respond in like.

append delete #10. Bumblebee


How many religions believe the same thing? Within their own subjective context they have the "truth", they "know" based on their subjective religious experience.

Are you kidding me? All of them!!!

It is not name calling. It's describing your situation.

You can't believe in two entirely opposite beliefs at the same time...

append delete #11. xj9

It is not name calling. It's describing your situation.

@Bumblebee, I don't believe you're qualified to make that assessment.

Are you kidding me? All of them!!!
You can't believe in two entirely opposite beliefs at the same time...

Do you know what "subjective" means?

subjective [səbˈdʒɛktɪv]
1. belonging to, proceeding from, or relating to the mind of the thinking subject and not the nature of the object being considered
2. of, relating to, or emanating from a person's emotions, prejudices, etc. subjective views
3. relating to the inherent nature of a person or thing; essential
4. (Philosophy) existing only as perceived and not as a thing in itself

Objectively I understand physics, science, &c. I don't have any particular emotional attachment to these ideas but they make sense and because of that logic I agree, as far as I'm qualified to have an opinion on these matters, with them. This (science, objective things in general) I must be convinced to agree with.

Subjectively I feel that there is a God I feel that certain things are true and I hope that one day I will know but at this point I don't. This (religion, subjective things in general) I must experience and feel for myself, you can't convince me to feel one thing or another: I either feel it or don't.

Look, @Bumblebee, I don't expect you to agree with me. I respect your position, its your right to believe or not believe whatever you want. It is also my right to believe in, or not, I what I want. I simply want to help you understand that yours isn't the only valid position. I think discussing these things is important but saying things like:

Maybe after a good sandwich you can break the mental bonds of your false religion...

...sodomized religions...

I think that the basis of religion is stupidity and paranoia.

Isn't helpful. Religions do a lot of good things non-religious organizations do a lot of good things. Unfortunately there are a lot of intolerant and, quite frankly, shortsighted people on both sides that prevent us from making progress.

I can't claim perfection but at least I've been able to get over the idea that everyone has to agree with me. I'm Christian but I don't feel like I need to browbeat Jews or Muslims or people of other faiths (or lack-of-faiths) about the "falseness" of their beliefs (or the lack thereof). I like trying to help them understand what I believe and attempting to understand their side as well, we can all get along, you know; even if we disagree. I'm sorry you don't see that.

Also, I'm done talking about this. Our discussion isn't going anywhere because its not really a discussion: you want to convince me that my way of thinking is false and I'm trying to promote mutual understanding. You clearly don't want to understand my point of view so I don't have any more business talking to you.

I sincerely hope you have a nice day.

append delete #12. Bumblebee


I don't believe you're qualified to make that assessment.

Of course I am. I use my logic and my mind and you are using your asshole!

Do not try to diminish me by sneaky trying to make me look illiterate.

These are cheap disorientation tactics.

I know what subjective means you brain washed and brain sodomized Christian.

Subjectively I feel that there is a God I feel that certain things are true and I hope that one day I will know but at this point I don't. This (religion, subjective things in general) I must experience and feel for myself, you can't convince me to feel one thing or another: I either feel it or don't.

If you feel that donkeys can fly that doesn't mean that they indeed fly!!!!!

Wake the fuck up!

No! It isn't your right to believe in everything you want and impose it to others by slaughter and genocide!

Remember the Dark Ages???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The religion of "Love" killed millions that didn't believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


All religions (clergy and followers) are severe cancers and must be eliminated. Period.

append delete #13. Potato Chip Lover


Wow! I haven't been here for a while and war broke up...

Man you are the best!

Jesus, Virgin(?) Mary and all the saints are on vacation while the world crumbles...

append delete #14. Flower Power

All religions are slavery. Period.

Be free.


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